Friday, November 30, 2012

Grover Norquist: Obama Placing ‘Left-Wing Fantasies’ Above American Families

WASHINGTON (CBS DC) – Founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist, dismissed discussion of GOP defections from his “no new taxes” pledge, and President Obama’s tax theories, as pure fantasy.

In a Tuesday interview with NPR’s “Morning Edition,” the conservative activist reinforced that support for his “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” — which was signed by 95 percent of Republican congressmen earlier this month – is not waning. Norquist stated that Democrats’ openness to substantial spending cuts is like imagining a “pink unicorn.”

Norquist went on the defensive over the past few weeks after a few Republicans, such as Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, appeared to be backtracking on their pledge to oppose any new taxes. He believes that the media stories about some Republicans possibly breaking their no-tax pledge are repeats of what was being reported two years ago.

“People are turning in the [same] homework for the second time,” he told NPR of the news media. But two years ago, Republicans concluded that President Obama and his fellow Democrats had not offered significant spending cuts. Norquist predicts the same will happen during negotiations to avoid the so-called fiscal cliff.
Norquist went on to condemn Obama’s economic and tax theories as “ridiculous left-wing fantasy.”

“If we’d had a Reagan-sized recovery instead of an Obama-sized recovery over the last 3 1/2 years there would be 11-plus [more] million Americans at work,” said Norquist. “Obama has put his ridiculous left-wing fantasy theories of Keynesianism above the lives of 11 million families in this country.”

President Obama’s tax theories, Norquist stated, have been an “extremely bad thing,” and that taxation as a whole is having a fundamentally negative impact on Americans.

“There’s no reason to raise taxes, taxes should be lower,” Norquist told host Steve Inskeep. “The problem we have is that government spends too much — not that taxes are too low.”

“Obama has a theory and his theory is wrong – that if government takes people’s money and spends it you magically have twice as much money.”


President Obama, What is Your Plan?


Published on Nov 28, 2012
A road map for real bipartisan tax reform
By U.S. Sen. John Cornyn
Published in The Dallas Morning News
28 November 2012

The American people have spoken — and once again, they have given us divided government in Washington.

Divided government means that neither Democrats nor Republicans will be able to pass legislation along strictly partisan lines. It means that bipartisan compromise is the only way to avoid further gridlock.

In the past, divided government has yielded some historic results. It produced landmark tax reform in 1986 and a sweeping overhaul of our welfare system 10 years later.

Of course, we've had divided government since January 2011, and thus far it has produced legislative stalemates and bitter recriminations. Why should we expect things to be any different this time around?

Quite simply, I believe there is now a bipartisan recognition that our current fiscal path is unsustainable. We cannot keep running trillion-dollar deficits. We cannot keep postponing structural changes to our largest entitlement programs. And unless we are happy with a tax code that wastes economic resources, stifles job creation and promotes crony capitalism, we cannot keep delaying genuine tax reform.

We don't have to speculate about what bipartisan tax reform might look like.

In 2010, two separate bipartisan commissions recommended lowering the rates and broadening the base, which is exactly what Congress did in 1986.

Yet before we can implement 1986-style tax reform, we need to prevent the largest tax increase in American history, which is scheduled to take effect on New Year's Day and could easily trigger a new recession.

All that Republicans are asking is to maintain the current rates until we adopt real bipartisan tax reform. Remember: These are the same tax rates that President Barack Obama signed into law two years ago. They are the same tax rates that received 81 votes in the Senate at a time when U.S. economic growth was much stronger than it is today. Indeed, if you were worried about the economic impact of a massive tax hike in 2010, you should be even more worried about it in 2012.

The president says raising tax rates would help solve our long-term debt problem, but it's hard to take this argument seriously, for two reasons.

First: According to the president's own Treasury Department, the tax increases he is advocating would generate $85 billion in new revenue next year. By comparison, the monthly budget deficit in October was about $120 billion, and the total deficit for fiscal year 2012 was roughly $1.1 trillion.

In other words, the proposed tax hikes would still leave us with a trillion-dollar deficit. Meanwhile, they would do significant damage to our fragile economic recovery.

Simply put: We cannot tax our way back to budget surpluses and economic prosperity. Without major spending cuts and entitlement reforms, we will continue running huge deficits, regardless of what we do on the revenue side.

After all, our unfunded liabilities over the next 75 years total nearly $100 trillion — that's trillion, with a T. Those liabilities are separate from our $16 trillion national debt. In the most recent fiscal year, the federal government spent about $220 billion on interest payments alone. Under the president's latest budget proposal, the annual cost of debt service would reach $804 billion in 2022, an amount greater than total U.S. defense spending in 2012.

This brings me to my second point: Four years after taking office, the president still has not given us a realistic plan for deficit and debt reduction. Last February, his Treasury secretary told the Republican chairman of the House Budget Committee: "We're not coming before you to say we have a definitive solution to our long-term problem. What we do know is, we don't like yours."

It's easy for the president to talk about the need for a "balanced approach." But a truly balanced approach would have to include major spending cuts and entitlement reforms. There's nothing balanced about continuing to spend money we don't have and piling up trillions of dollars in new debt. If the president is going to claim a mandate for governing, then he has a responsibility to offer a genuine solution to America's fiscal challenges. Until he offers such a plan, his posturing over the deficit should not be taken seriously.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, serves on the Finance, Judiciary, Armed Services and Budget committees and may be contacted through

Don't Be Sad...We Will Win! Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Published on on November 29, 2012

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In this video commentary, I discuss how Obama's economic policies will lead to his doom...and our victory. Tune in!

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Money Losing Its Political Power! Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Immaculate Taxation! Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Netanyahu Blinks! Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

How Lincoln Freed The Slaves! Dick Morris TV: History Video!

Resist Obamacare! Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

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Sen. John McCain ‘On the Record’ -Talks about Benghazi & meeting with Susan Rice

Inheriting a mess - Cartoon by William Warren

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Governor Jan Brewer Too Many Questions, Costs with State Health Exchange

PHOENIX – Today, Governor Jan Brewer notified the Obama administration that the State of Arizona will not pursue the creation of a state-based Health Exchange. Instead, Arizona will participate in a federally-operated Exchange, according to the guidelines of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

“Today, I notified the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that the State of Arizona will not create a state-based Health Exchange. This decision comes following an extensive research and outreach process during which my team of health advisors conducted public hearings and met with HHS, patient advocates and representatives of Arizona hospitals, health providers, insurers, tribal groups and other members of the health care community.

“This has been one of the more difficult decisions of my career in public service. My opposition to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is unwavering, as is my belief that it should be repealed and replaced with legislation that achieves its stated goals: to improve access to quality, affordable health care in this country. But I am also aware that the ACA remains the law of the land. Likewise, though I am a steady advocate of local control, I have come to the conclusion that the State of Arizona would wield little actual authority over its ‘state’ Exchange. The federal government would maintain oversight and control over virtually every aspect of our Exchange, limiting our ability to meet the unique needs of Arizonans and the Arizona insurance market.

“A state Exchange would be costly. Though the federal government has pledged to pay nearly all startup costs, states that form their own health exchanges are on the hook for operational expenses beginning in 2015. Those costs could total $27 million to $40 million annually for the State of Arizona, according to a recent study conducted by Mercer. Of course, these expenses would be passed along in the form of fees resulting in higher health premiums for Arizona families and small businesses. This would be an additional financial burden at a time when so many Arizonans are still struggling.

“Lastly, there simply remains too much we don’t know about how a State-based Exchange would function and its ultimate cost to taxpayers. Without clear federal guidance and instruction, I cannot in good conscience commit the taxpayers of my state to this costly endeavor.

“The State of Arizona has a long history of health care innovation. Our Medicaid program, AHCCCS, has been a national model of cost-efficient care for three decades, and our pioneering pursuit of integrated health is designed to improve the quality of life for Arizonans living with serious mental illness. In this proud tradition, I remain committed to working with legislators to enact State reforms that improve care and reduce costs for Arizona families, while maintaining a vibrant and competitive health care marketplace.”


Grover Norquist: The tax pledge is forever By Jonathan Karl


Spinners and Winners

This week, Spinners and Winners went to Americans for Tax Reform to talk to the man behind the pledge. 'The Taxpayer Protection Pledge' has been signed by virtually every Republican office holder over the last 20 years, binding congressman, senators, and governors to promise no tax increases of any kind, ever. There's talk that pledge is now dead, but as you can see, Grover Norquist is not backing down.

Those who have disavowed the pledge -- such Senators Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., and John McCain, R-Ariz. -- will hear from their constituents, Norquist says.

"I think that people should keep their commitment to voters. I think they need to if they get elected with an open promise, they should keep that promise to voters," says the founder of Americans for Tax Reform.

With about a third of incoming freshman Republicans dodging the pledge, the majority of the Republican House has now either not signed the pledge or disavowed it. But Norquist insists this is not the end.

"Name another issue that 217 members have in writing stated their position on. And most of the others have made further comments that they're not for raising taxes," says Norquist.

Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, signed the pledge in 1992. That was nearly 20 years ago, a lot has changed since then. But for Norquist, the pledge is forever.

"When you got married did your wife understand there was an expiration date on that promise? When you borrowed money to buy your house did you say, 'Oh geez. That mortgage? That was 10 years ago. You're still asking me for money?' You make a commitment, you make a commitment," says Norquist.

For more on Grover Norquist, including what he views as compromise, check out this week's Spinners and Winners.

Money Losing Its Political Power! Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Published on on November 28, 2012

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In this video commentary, I discuss how the message of 2012 is the declining importance of money at all levels of the electoral process. Tune in!

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How The Pilgrims Landing Led To Our Civil War! Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

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Stepping over the tax cliff By Rick Manning

Democrat Senators and President Obama have been spending a lot of time worrying about the so-called fiscal cliff, and you would think that they would be gushing with new ideas or even identified budget areas that could be cut.

But no, with the exception of Sen. Dick Durbin’s meek, entitlement discussion where he urged saving money but not changing anything about the program, little has been heard from Democrats beyond the standard demand that taxes be increased.

Into the breach, Republican Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bob Corker (R-TN) broke ranks with other Republicans by announcing their support for plans to limit the total amount of tax deductions one can claim; effectively raising the amount of money some people would pay. In Corker’s case, he has even gone so far as to introduce legislation that would raise taxes by more than a trillion dollars over the next 10 years using a combination of a deduction cap and other manipulations that would throw more people into higher tax brackets.

To put the fiscal cliff into perspective, since 2007, federal government spending has increased by more than $800 billion to a total of $3.54 trillion. In that same year, the federal government received more than $2.5 trillion in revenues compared to just over $2.4 trillion in this past fiscal year 2012.

While revenues are down by about $113 billion since 2007, this is due almost entirely to the state of the economy, and not changes in the tax laws as the marginal tax rates paid by individuals have not changed since 2003.

However, federal government spending has changed since 2007. Between stimulus, bailouts, dramatically broadened eligibility requirements for SCHIP and other social safety net programs as well as the massive expansion of unemployment benefit eligibility, federal government spending is up by almost 30 percent since 2007.

The trillion-dollar budget deficit is almost entirely due to this spending splurge, and yet while Obama and the Democrats remain silent, Sen. Corker manages to put a massive tax increase on the table as the starting point for discussion without any agreed upon offsetting budget cuts.

This is not only bad negotiating strategy, it is terrible politics.
Add on to that equation, Sen. Graham’s demand that entitlements be included in order to get his vote for tax increases, Republicans now effectively own both the tax increase and any changes to Medicare that result from the negotiations.

It almost appears that if Obama and Harry Reid just remain silent for a few more days, Congressional Republicans in their zeal to negotiate against themselves in the media might give them the election victory that was denied when Republicans retained control of the House of Representatives.

Rather than lay out plans to increase taxes by a trillion dollars, and then get harried by reporters on how the “offer” is too little, perhaps Republicans should shut up, stick to their principles and force the President to lead with concrete proposals.

After all, Obama is the one who claims that he has a mandate, so let him lay out in precise terms for everyone to see, exactly what he wants done.

Somewhat shockingly, even after these past four years, Republicans keep believing that Obama and the Democrats care if taxes go up, or even if defense cuts go into place. They don’t.

They want higher, across-the-board taxes, and if the Republicans keep talking, Democrats will be able to convince America that when these taxes go into effect, it was the Republicans’ fault.

If this past election should have taught Republicans anything, it is that truth doesn’t matter in politics, the only thing that matters is who has the biggest megaphone. The only way to silence Obama and Reid’s megaphone is by demanding that they present their solution to the fiscal cliff. Force them to take the lead.

For three years, Reid has been unwilling to even produce a budget, let alone put Senate Democrats in jeopardy by taking hard stands on real fiscal issues. By shutting up and forcing Democrats, who comprise two-thirds of the decision makers, to take ownership of the “crisis,” Republicans have a chance of both averting the crisis and the blame that will follow.

Of course, there is little chance of that happening.

Rick Manning is the Director of Communications for Americans for Limited Government.


Obama As Jesus Painting Sparks Controversy

The Obama as Jesus painting named 'The Truth' is being criticized by the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. The painting depicts President Obama as Jesus Christ with a crown of thorns on his head, crucified against the presidential seal, is currently on display at the Bunker Hill Community College art gallery in Boston. The artist Michael D’Antuono defends the Obama as Jesus painting, arguing that his “First Amendment rights should override someone’s hurt feelings.”

The Obama as Jesus painting “The Truth” has triggered quite a backlash among Christians. Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, posted a statement on the Catholic League
website on Tuesday, saying Michael D’Antuono is a “left-wing artist known for exploiting racial tensions” and claimed his Obama as Jesus painting was evidence the artist had “succumbed to a new low.”

“What makes this display so interesting is the flat denial of truth by so many artists and academicians, as well as their irrepressible hostility to Christianity,” the statement continues. “Yet when it comes to their savior, President Obama, they not only pivot, they proselytize.”

The artist claims his intent with the Obama as Jesus
painting was to not compare Obama to Jesus, but instead that the painting should be viewed metaphorically. The Obama as Jesus painting is more about the viewers themselves and how they perceive the world.

“[I] was
inspired by watching conflicting reports on the same issues on the different cable newscasts and the effect on their viewers.” D’Antuno said. “Peoples’ perceptions of the issues seem to get distorted though their political lenses. People have had drastically different interpretations from this painting. What you see in this painting will be a reflection of your own partisan view and that is precisely the point.”

Never give up on repealing ObamaCare - Cartoon by A.F. Branco


LAST WEEK: 15 - 2


The Arizona Cardinals continued their 7 game losing streak with an embarrassing loss at home to the Rams last Sunday. The calls for the head of coach Ken Whisenhunt & GM Rod Graves are becoming louder! Will the Cards win another game this season? Here are my picks for week 13:

Week 13

Thursday, Nov. 29

Saints 31 at Falcons 35

Sunday, Dec. 2

Seahawks 24 at Bears 31

Vikings 21 at Packers 31

49ers 35 at Rams 31

Cardinals 21 at Jets 24

Panthers 21 at Chiefs 24

Colts 27 at Lions 24

Jaguars 24 at Bills 27

Patriots 35 at Dolphins 31

Texans 40 at Titans 24

Buccaneers 24 at Broncos 31

Steelers 27 at Ravens 31

Browns 21 at Raiders 24

Bengals 31 at Chargers 24

Eagles 24 at Cowboys 31

Monday, Dec. 3

Giants 35 at Redskins 31

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The scandalous Brett Mecum has the audacity to run for LD 24 Chairman

It has recently come to our attention that the infamous Brett Mecum has decided to run for Chairman of LD 24. It is bad enough this guy was fired by the Arizona Republican Party, had racy photos of himself getting a simulated blowjob while dressed as Captain America, hit with an allegation that he tried to sell endorsements, and even a public stalking complaint by a woman who found him "creepy." However, most of us Remember Brett Mecum for his poor judgment getting caught speeding 109 MPH then arrested and drug out of GOP party headquarters screaming.

This is why many Arizona politics raised their eyebrows when Mecum decided to run for Chairman of Legislative District 24 in Phoenix. Many Republicans do not want this pariah in their backyard or anywhere near politics. When news of Mecum running for Chairman of LD 24 broke, people began running away from him faster than his receding hairline. Mecum is an opportunist that has proven to only be out for his own interests. He will go anywhere to make a quick buck and could care less about the values of the Republican Party. He recently helped Senator Frank Antenori lose an election by a landslide in Tucson, then quickly decided to run for a seat on the Arizona Water Board and came in next to last place. Problem is that if Brett Mecum ever became Chairman of LD 24, the people of Phoenix will all lose as well.

The Election is tomorrow night and word is that Mecum will not even be in attendance at the meeting. Funny thing is that many of the precinct committeemen in LD 24 have never seen him in past meetings. After being outcast from Republican politics in New York, it is now time for Mecum to move to another state. The name Brett Mecum has become an insult in Arizona. If you say you were "Mecumed" it means to be up a creek without a paddle; to have the whole world in the palm of your hand and blow it.

Chad Kirkpatrick Endorses Robert Graham for Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party

Chad Kirkpatrick Endorses Robert Graham for Chairman

of the Arizona Republican Party

"We need dynamic leadership for the Arizona Republican Party and

Robert Graham is the right man for the job."

PHOENIX — Chad Kirkpatrick, entrepreneur, former member of Governor Jan Brewer’s cabinet and conservative grassroots activist, has endorsed Robert Graham for Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party.

“We need dynamic leadership for the Arizona Republican Party and Robert Graham is the right man for the job,” said Kirkpatrick. “Graham possesses the right conservative principles the state needs and has a successful entrepreneurial track record - something that will benefit the Republican Party. It is my belief that with Graham at the helm, we will see amazing things in record time.”

Robert Graham has asked Kirkpatrick to lead the Party’s marketing and PR efforts. Kirkpatrick will also explore a vice chairmanship position in the 2014 January elections.

“I am grateful for Chad’s endorsement. Not only does he have experience as a grassroots’ activist with Americans for Prosperity, but he has successfully run enterprises in the both the private and public sectors,” Graham said. “I am excited to have Chad on my team and I am looking forward to working with him.”

To learn more about Robert Graham and his plan for Arizona’s Republican Party, please visit his website at or his Facebook page.


Robert S. Graham is running for State Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party. Graham is a member of the Arizona GOP Leadership Council which serves to support and foster leadership, vision and the growth of the Arizona Republican Party. Graham is also a Life member of the National Rifle Association.

Exclusive: Jeb Bush Meets with Former Aides near White House By Robert Costa

Washington, D.C. — Former Florida governor Jeb Bush met Monday with a group of his former staffers at the J. W. Marriott hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, just steps from the White House. Bush, a potential 2016 presidential contender, spent an hour in the hotel’s Cannon room, reminiscing and entertaining questions about his political future.
In an interview with NRO, Bush did not rule out a presidential run. “I am here to catch up with folks and promote education reform,” he said, smiling.

When asked again whether he will issue a Sherman-type statement about his future, Bush remained coy. “We have an alumni group that I like keeping in touch with,” he said. “I’m here to focus on educational reform, and that’s what I’m going to tell people.”

Neil Newhouse, Mitt Romney’s campaign pollster, was at the meeting, as were several veteran Florida operatives.

On Tuesday, Bush will host a national summit on education reform. Education secretary Arne Duncan, former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, and Indiana governor Mitch Daniels will speak at the event.

Arizona senator John McCain talks UN Ambassador and fiscal cliff negotiations

Will Susan Rice be the next Secretary of State?

Governor Jan Brewer Lights Capitol Christmas Tree

PHOENIX – Governor Jan Brewer yesterday participated in the 2012 Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony in the Executive Tower lobby at the Arizona State Capitol.
On display is a 20-foot White Fir from the Tonto National Forest. This is the second consecutive year in which the Governor has celebrated Christmas with a LIVE Christmas tree in the Capitol lobby.
The tree is decorated with 2,240 LED lights and 220 hand-designed ornaments. In commemoration of Arizona’s centennial holidays, the Christmas Tree is adorned with ornaments that were decorated by children from Centennial Elementary School (Gilbert), Centennial Elementary School (Tucson), Yuma Centennial Middle School (Yuma) and Centennial High School (Peoria). A youth choir from John F. Long Elementary School, in Phoenix, joined Governor Brewer for today’s tree-lighting ceremony.
Lastly, hanging from the Executive Tower lobby are 15 Christmas wreaths – decorated with unique ornaments designed and donated by each of Arizona’s 15 counties.
Governor Brewer wishes to thank Crown Import, Southwest Ornaments, the County Supervisors’ Association, the “Centennial schools” and everyone else who had a hand in making this year’s Capitol Christmas display possible.