Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The scandalous Brett Mecum has the audacity to run for LD 24 Chairman

It has recently come to our attention that the infamous Brett Mecum has decided to run for Chairman of LD 24. It is bad enough this guy was fired by the Arizona Republican Party, had racy photos of himself getting a simulated blowjob while dressed as Captain America, hit with an allegation that he tried to sell endorsements, and even a public stalking complaint by a woman who found him "creepy." However, most of us Remember Brett Mecum for his poor judgment getting caught speeding 109 MPH then arrested and drug out of GOP party headquarters screaming.

This is why many Arizona politics raised their eyebrows when Mecum decided to run for Chairman of Legislative District 24 in Phoenix. Many Republicans do not want this pariah in their backyard or anywhere near politics. When news of Mecum running for Chairman of LD 24 broke, people began running away from him faster than his receding hairline. Mecum is an opportunist that has proven to only be out for his own interests. He will go anywhere to make a quick buck and could care less about the values of the Republican Party. He recently helped Senator Frank Antenori lose an election by a landslide in Tucson, then quickly decided to run for a seat on the Arizona Water Board and came in next to last place. Problem is that if Brett Mecum ever became Chairman of LD 24, the people of Phoenix will all lose as well.

The Election is tomorrow night and word is that Mecum will not even be in attendance at the meeting. Funny thing is that many of the precinct committeemen in LD 24 have never seen him in past meetings. After being outcast from Republican politics in New York, it is now time for Mecum to move to another state. The name Brett Mecum has become an insult in Arizona. If you say you were "Mecumed" it means to be up a creek without a paddle; to have the whole world in the palm of your hand and blow it.

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