Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Political Consultant LISA PANDONE BENSON Casts False Aspersions on Republican Young Gun Candidates

Few serious observers would deny that Muslim Brotherhood operatives have attempted to infiltrate the federal government and political campaigns of both parties. In some instances, they’ve succeeded. Thanks to painstaking and meticulous investigative reporting by Patrick Poole, Andrew McCarthy and others, a number of well-placed individuals with ties to radical Islam have been exposed.

As a result, growing numbers of tuned-in Americans are concerned about the potential for radical Islamists to influence domestic and foreign policy. In this climate of heightened sensitivity, allegations of collaboration with Islamists are taken extremely seriously, especially when they emanate from so-called “experts.”

Last weekend, a guest on William Wolf’s excellent radio program “Middle East Radio Forum” made such an accusation. Lisa Pandone Benson, a self-described “national security consultant” and “compelling speaker of conviction,” asserted that three candidates, Arizona’s Republican “Young Guns”Vernon Parker, Jonathan Paton, and Martha McSally – were being advised by a consultant sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood. She specifically encouraged Jewish listeners to call each of these candidates and ask for assurances that the unnamed consultant would not be retained if the candidate were elected to Congress.

Anyone familiar with the three campaigns could deduce that Ms. Benson was referring to Jess Yescalis, one of Arizona’s most well regarded and successful fundraisers. She must have heard that Mr. Yescalis spent seven weeks in Egypt last year coaching candidates prior to the Egyptian election. What she doesn’t seem to realize is that Mr. Yescalis, under the auspices of the International Republican Institute (IRI), coached Coptic Christian candidates for the Egyptian Parliament. He worked primarily with the Free Egyptian Party, which supports democratic representation and religious freedom. The Party is politically and philosophically opposed to Muslim extremism. In fact, shortly after Mr. Yescalis left Egypt, his colleagues, including Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood’s son Sam, were detained in Egypt for “illegally operating democracy-promotion programs.”

Ms. Benson’s aspersion has the potential to disrupt Mr. Yescalis’ career and the three “Young Guns” candidates’ campaigns, or worse. Additionally, her reckless disregard for the facts diminishes the credibility of serious national security analysts. She should either produce irrefutable evidence substantiating her accusation or issue an immediate retraction and apology.



Sharp Barbs,’ ‘Angry Press Releases,’ Show Carmona Still ‘A Man Whose Instinct Is To Escalate Hostilities Rather Than Resolve Them.’
NOW: ‘Nasty and Personal’
“…there is little to indicate relationships will improve in the next Congress — especially if Carmona wins...” (“Arizona: Barbs Turn Personal,” Roll Call, 10/29/12)
“The Arizona Senate race has taken a nasty and personal turn in the final days, highlighted by increasingly sharp barbs between GOP Sens. Jon Kyl and John McCain and former Surgeon General Richard Carmona (D).” (“Arizona: Barbs Turn Personal,” Roll Call, 10/29/12)
FLASHBACK: ‘History of Conflicts’
“A number of Carmona’s former co-workers and employees… describe a man whose instinct is to escalate hostilities rather than resolve them.” (“Squaring Off Over Nominee,” Los Angeles Times, 7/8/02)
“Court and hospital records show a history of conflicts between Carmona and other doctors, who complained about his lack of cooperation, ‘high handedness,’ ‘unwillingness to communicate’ and ‘his escalation of disagreements in an effort to prove he was right.’” (“Squaring Off Over Nominee,” Los Angeles Times, 7/8/02)
“Dr. Carmona is not a team player. Dr. Carmona, within 6 or 8 months, had burned bridges everywhere.” (Dr. Cristina Beato, Testimony, US House Committee On Oversight, 11/2/07)
“It was a living nightmare. It was a living nightmare.” (Dr. Cristina Beato, Testimony, US House Committee On Oversight, 11/2/07)
“Tensions between Carmona and others at Tucson medical center began soon after he was hired in 1985...” (“Squaring Off Over Nominee,” Los Angeles Times, 7/8/02)
“Never in my entire medical career have I seen such gross interference by a hospital administrator without the slightest attempt to reach a cooperative understanding.” (“Squaring Off Over Nominee,” Los Angeles Times, 7/8/02)

JON KYL Coffee Cup Club with JEFF FLAKE - Friday Nov 3rd - 8:00AM

October 30, 2012
Thank you for your support of my Coffee Cup Club. The breakfasts have given me a chance to visit with old friends and to keep you updated about all the happenings in Washington, DC. I hope that you have enjoyed these breakfasts as much as Caryll and I have and will consider joining me once again for our final event on November 3rd.
Since I am not running for reelection, my campaign can no longer accept monetary funds through Jon Kyl for U.S. Senate. Because I want to have one last breakfast, Congressman Jeff Flake and his campaign have graciously agreed to help us by sponsoring this event, so it will be Congressman Flake’s team who will handle the checks and donations for our last breakfast. Therefore, if you are available to attend, please write your checks to “Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate” as noted on the invitation.
Thank you again for your support and friendship. Caryll and I hope to see you on November 3rd.

Jon Kyl

Paid for by Jon Kyl for U.S. Senate

Please join us in honoring
Republican Whip U.S. Senator Jon Kyl
for the final Coffee Cup Club
Special Guest Speaker
Arizona Senate Candidate Jeff Flake
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Phoenix Airport Marriott
1101 North 44th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85008
(North of the 202 on 44th Street)
Registration begins at 8:00 a.m.
Breakfast is served at 8:30 a.m.
Program begins at 9:00 a.m.

Please bring a canned food item for the Saint Vincent de Paul Food Bank
Please return the enclosed RSVP form by Wednesday, October 31
For additional information, please call: (602) 840-0306
Paid for by Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate
Contributions are not tax deductible. Corporate contributions are prohibited by law.

Yes, I will show my mug for Jon Kyl!
[ ] We would like to attend the breakfast on Saturday, Nov. 3. Please find enclosed check for $35 per person for cost of the breakfast. Print the first and last name exactly as you would like it to appear on the Name Tag:
Please make personal checks payable to:
Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate
P.O. Box 10246
Phoenix, AZ 85064
Please return the enclosed RSVP form by
Wednesday, October 31
Name: _________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________ State: ________ ZIP: ____________
Email: ________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ___________________Office Phone: _____________________
Federal law requires us to report the name, address, occupation and employer for each individual whose contributions are in excess of $200 in an election cycle.
Paid for by Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate
Contributions are not tax deductible. Corporate contributions are prohibited by law.

Senator Jon Kyl Opposes $1 Billion Tax Hike

Senator Jon Kyl Opposes $1 Billion Tax Hike

Urges Voters to Stop the War on Job Creators


PHOENIX — Senator Jon Kyl today announced his opposition to Proposition 204 because of the negative effects it will have on Arizona’s job growth. Proposition 204 breaks the promise that the one-cent sales tax increase passed in 2010 would remain temporary.

“We must stop this war on job creators,” said Senator Kyl. “Arizona’s unemployment rate has been above eight percent for nearly four years. That’s too high, and a sign that our local economy is still struggling.”

A State Tax Analysis Modeling Program developed for the Goldwater Institute by economists at the Beacon Hill Institute recently found that if passed, the $1 billion in new taxes created by Proposition 204 could cost Arizona
15,000 new private sector jobs each year.

“Permanently raising taxes prevents business owners from reinvesting earnings, growing their businesses, and creating new jobs,” added Kyl. “We need entrepreneurs and business owners to know that Arizona is business-friendly; having the second highest sales tax rate in the country sends the wrong message.”

Passage of Proposition 204 will prevent much needed simplification of Arizona’s already convoluted sales tax code. It will also drive consumers to the Internet, or out of state, in order to avoid paying additional taxes.

To learn more about Proposition 204, please visit


Paid for by No New Taxes, No on 204.
Major funding by Americans for Responsible Leadership, the Arizona Automobile Dealers Association, the Arizona Free Enterprise Club, and the Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Company

GALLUP: Romney Up 52-45% Among Early Voters by John Nolte

***MORE: Obama's Early Vote Advantage Collapses 22-Points Over 2008
Very early on, before this campaign started in earnest, live or die, I publicly cast my lot with Gallup and Rasmussen. As a poll addict going back to 2000, these are the outlets that have always played it straight. It's got nothing to do with politics and everything to do with credibility and not wanting to kid myself. So when an outlet like Gallup tells me Romney is up seven-points, 52-45%, among those who have already voted, that's very big news.
Just as Gallup did with their bombshell survey showing that 2012 is looking like a year where Republicans will enjoy a record three-point turnout advantage over Democrats (a ten-point shift from 2008), for whatever reason, they buried the lede with this latest bombshell, as well. When you consider the fact that the CorruptMedia's been talking for weeks about how Obama's crushing Romney in early voting, you would think Gallup proving that Narrative a big fat phony lie would be news. Instead, though, they bury this explosive news at the bottom of a piece headlined: "In U.S., 15% of Registered Voters Have Already Cast Ballots".
Sounds like a nothing story, right?
Except waaaaay at the bottom we learn this:
Thus far, early voters do not seem to be swaying the election toward either candidate.
Romney currently leads Obama 52% to 45% among voters who say they have already cast their ballots. However, that is comparable to Romney's 51% to 46% lead among all likely voters in Gallup's Oct. 22-28 tracking polling. At the same time, the race is tied at 49% among those who have not yet voted but still intend to vote early, suggesting these voters could cause the race to tighten. However, Romney leads 51% to 45% among the much larger group of voters who plan to vote on Election Day, Nov. 6.
When Gallup says early voters don’t seem to be swaying the election, presumably what they means is that because Romney is ahead by five points nationally, an early voting advantage of seven-points isn't going to "sway the election."
Romney's early voting lead in Gallup may not jive with the CorruptMedia narrative, but it does with actual early vote totals that have been released and show Romney's early vote totals either beating Obama in swing states such as Colorado and Florida or chipping away at the President's advantage in the others. For example, here's what we know about Ohio's early voting numbers, thus far:
But here is what we do know: 220,000 fewer Democrats have voted early in Ohio compared with 2008. And 30,000 more Republicans have cast their ballots compared with four years ago. That is a 250,000-vote net increase for a state Obama won by 260,000 votes in 2008.
Something else in this Gallup survey also helps shed some light on what we're seeing in these sometimes counter-intuitive state polls. As the headline states, Gallup is showing that only 15% of the public has already voted. Moreover, they've broken down early voting by region and show that in the Midwest only 13% of voters have already voted. And yet, many polls in places like Ohio show a much higher percentage of early voters, some as high as 30%, which you can bet skews the data. In other words, those polls can't be correct.
Other than the fact that this is Gallup, another reason to embrace this poll is due to its very large sample size of 3,312 registered voters.
Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC



Romney Keeps Momentum - Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Published on October 30, 2012

Dear Friend,

In this video commentary, I discuss how Romney's momentum just keeps building and building. Tune in!

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A video that could change your vote

It doesn't matter if you're Democrat or Republican...

If you love Obama... or hate him.

A new video has surfaced which could drastically alter your opinion of the sitting President.

What does it show?
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If Reelected, Obama Should Be Impeached over Benghazi by Roger L. Simon

If Barack Obama is reelected, will he face impeachment over Benghazi — a yet more unpleasant and far more wrenching result than to lose an election?

It could happen — and in my estimation should happen — the way revelations are playing out over the bloody terror attack that took four American lives and has led to weeks of prevarication and obfuscation.

The scandal thus far has at least tarnished and quite possibly implicated everyone from the CIA director, to the secretaries of State and Defense, to the UN ambassador and, of course, the president himself — with no end in sight, because Obama, normally loath to expose himself and even less so in an election season, refuses to answer questions on the subject.

It’s not the crime, but the cover-up, we learned in an earlier impeachment, only in this case the crime may be just as bad or worse.

A new impeachment will be all the more probable in the not unlikely scenario that Obama wins the electoral vote while Mitt Romney wins the popular vote, perhaps handily. The atmosphere in that instance will be more poisonous than it has been in years — and it’s poisonous enough already.

In fact, under this scenario — a Romney popular victory mitigating (no pun intended) an Obama Electoral College triumph – I think impeachment proceedings will almost certainly begin in the House.

Moreover, the ramifications of such an impeachment would be greater than Watergate and Monicagate — relatively minor internal events in comparison, the former concerning the break-in of a political office during an election that was already won and the latter, well, adultery in the White House… or more precisely lying under oath about adultery in the White House.

Neither was about anything nearly as important as the seemingly negligent deaths of American personnel, the evolution (actually diminution) of American foreign policy and its possible implications thereof for the health, even the survival, of Western civilization and its values.

We live in a time when the hopelessly inept producer of an unwatchable film is asked to take the fall for an ongoing, indeed centuries old, ideological conflict pitting democracy against religious fascism, with our current administration promulgating the absurd self-aggrandizing delusion that the assassination of a leader of that fascism (bin Laden) and a few of his henchmen (al-Awlaki, etc.) would be an end to their cause. As if.

All those factors hover around Benghazigate like flies around a fetid lamb carcass in a Middle Eastern bazaar. They are fair game for the next Bob Woodward and we may have already found one in Jennifer Griffin of Fox News. She has done a yeoman job investigating the horrifying events on the ground in Libya the evening of September 11 with our noble warriors left to die by some or all of their superiors. But does she have it right or was she too misled?



This is what the Democrats really think! Let this burn in and go vote for Mitt Romney! WARNING: ADULT CONTENT!


This is from 'filmmaker' Michael Moore. He made this video for the Ultra Liberal Dems think they can win with crap like this?  The Dems are desparate!

Classic Obama Toons, Part II by William Warren

Blame Bush
Thanks, Hugo!
The people have spoken
Obama Monument
Sit, stay, good boy

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

John McCain and Jon Kyl In New Ad: "We Support Jeff Flake"


John McCain and Jon Kyl In New Ad: “We Support Jeff Flake”
Blast Carmona for implying support; proves he “lacks integrity”
PHOENIXIn a new television ad released today, Arizona’s U.S. Senators offer a strong rebuke of a deceptive ad from Democrat Richard Carmona that uses decade-old statements from the senators in support of Carmona’s confirmation for the nonpartisan post of Surgeon General to imply an endorsement in the race for Senate. 
The new ad begins airing today on broadcast and cable television throughout Arizona.
For more information on Jeff Flake and why he’s running for the U.S. Senate, please visit his website at
Paid for by Jeff Flake for U.S. Senate, Inc.

Running for Gabrielle Giffords’s House seat, is not Martha McSally’s first challenge - The Washington Post

By Ann Gerhart,

Martha McSally is drinking a Negra Modelo from the bottle at a Mexican joint here after another long day running in 103-degree heat for the honor of serving in an institution with a 13 percent approval rating.

She is the first female U.S. fighter pilot to fly in combat and the first woman to command a fighter squadron. As a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force, she sued then-Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld over the military requirement that servicewomen wear Muslim garb when off base in Saudi Arabia and got it changed.

It is in her constitution to charge hard at the very thing she’s been told is impossible and out of line.

Now, in her first bid for political office, she is going after the congressional seat that would seem most out of reach. Running as a Republican, she aims to replace the beloved Gabrielle Giffords, the Democratic congresswoman who was gunned down outside a Safeway on a Saturday morning while meeting with constituents, a crime that lacerated this community and horrified the nation.

To do that, McSally has to defeat the man who won a special election in June, Ron Barber, who was Giffords’s district director and was shot in the head that day.

What kind of person runs against that legacy?

“Pioneer, leader, servant” is how the retired colonel, 46, introduces herself to those she seeks to represent in one of America’s flintiest swing districts.

“Am I nuts?” is what she first asked herself after plunging into a world that is as chaotic as the military is structured.

“The special election was about the legacy, and November is about the best representation for this district,” is what she had answered at the last event, when a supporter at a small meeting gingerly brought up “the Gabby factor.”

Now, at dinner, with her elderly dog at her feet and her nephew/driver/yard-sign toter eyeing her leftovers, McSally relates how she went from being a professor in Germany in January, teaching a course on the Arab Spring, to being a candidate a week after Giffords resigned.

It is a brash story about the advice she sought, heard and then ignored — to come home to the house she bought in 1994 when stationed here at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, to put down her roots and run for school board or be a precinct chairman.

Don’t do it, you can’t be successful, you’ll be labeled a loser, she was told. Don’t blow your chances, with that impressive résumé and smarts and personal charisma, to be a political star. Take the conventional path.

“I had nothing to lose; I already had quit my job. So I said, ‘Now, what do I have to do? Probably file some paperwork, right?’ ” McSally, who is single, says with a grin.

For better or worse, that is not how McSally is constructed. Her formerprofession, in some part, may explain that. In war, there are casualties. Losses are mourned, but sentiment is not part of the mission. She has never met Giffords or gone to look at the supermarket where so much carnage took place.

The rest of the explanation, the larger part, is McSally’s obvious relish for blazing the most difficult trails. She’s feisty and funny, blunt and occasionally profane.

When former Republican senator Rick Santorum took a stand against women in combat during his presidential bid, McSally went on television and said she “wanted to go kick him in the Jimmy” for saying that.

She went to a private lunch earlier this month to persuade an elusive donor to give to her campaign. “And I didn’t even have to give the pitch, because he said right away he was going to give me $2,500,” McSally recalled. “You know what I said? Are you married? Not because I wanted to date him! Because I wanted to know if he had a wife who could max out, too!”

Taking on politics

In her new career, it’s a great day when an attack ad is launched against you. It means somebody has decided it’s worth spending money to defeat you.

“I was . . . ooo, I’m almost a little afraid to look! My first attack ad!” McSally peers through her fingers as she campaigns before a dozen people in the housing business who are meeting at a local restaurant. The room breaks into laughter.

“And then I just had to crack up, because it’s a picture of me with recipe cards. . . . I’m in the kitchen cooking up bad recipes, which is in itself overtly sexist and insulting,” and the women in the room frown and shake their heads.

“I couldn’t tell if I was barefoot, too, they didn’t show my feet,” continues McSally about the ad, from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s political action committee.

“But c’mon! Me of all people! I spent 26 years in the military. I was too busy shooting 30mm out of my A-10 at the Taliban and al-Qaeda to even learn to cook!” And then the men all frown and shake their heads vigorously, too.

Long ago, McSally embraced daunting obstacles and accepted there would be distasteful tasks along the way. She gave the nuns trouble in high school and her mother trouble at home, then carried her defiance into the Air Force Academy, where she showed up with her hair an inch shorter than it was required to be.

(And there’s still trouble with that hair. “You wouldn’t believe how many supporters have something to say about how I look. I wear it down, they tell me to put it up,” she said with a laugh. “I pull it back, and they tell me to wear it down.”)

She didn’t decide to become a pilot until she realized that, at 5-foot-3, she was too short.

She badgered for two years to get a waiver and built up her leg muscles. She got a master’s degree in public policy from Harvard’s Kennedy School before entering flight school, the same year she won the military division of the Hawaiian Ironman World Triathlon.

She sued Rumsfeld after unsuccessfully trying through channels to change the abaya rule, which she insisted violated her religious freedom as an evangelical Christian and discriminated against her gender. She found support from an unlikely coalition of conservative Republicans and liberal feminists, which she now tells voters proves her ability to forge consensus around principle.

Her own political positions are not so easily categorized. She says her priorities are deficit reduction, economic growth, immigration and tax code reform, and protecting the border, 85 miles of which form the southern edge of her district. She’s antiabortion and supports Title X, a federal program that funds family planning.

The district is a true swing district, with its 376,000 registered voters divided nearly evenly between Republicans, Democrats and independents, and while most race-watchers still favor Barber to win, McSally has made it a tighter race than expected.

She has run mostly on her own biography and an assertion that, as a former commander, she will quickly gather all the pertinent intelligence rather than shooting off her mouth.