Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sen. Jerry Lewis - The Time is Now


Good afternoon friends and supporters!
Today is a critical day in our campaign for District 26. If you are on the permanent early voting list, you will receive your ballot in the next day or two.
The campaign continues to build momentum with the announcement of the Arizona Republic endorsement. I think the article truly speaks to my principals and demonstrates my commitment to our district.http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=40362691&msgid=1725984&act=1S0W&c=576443&destination=http://www.azcentral.com/members/Blog/SoutheastEditorials/172815
As a result of our fundraising email blast last week, we are quickly approaching our goal of raising and additional $10,000. But, we aren't quite there yet. With ballots dropping today and early voting underway, your support is critical. Thank you to everyone who has contributed, and if you haven't, there is still time! Whether you can give $25 or $250, every dollar goes a long way to ensuring victory on November 6th!
PS- Please take a moment to forward this to friends and family and share with them why you are supporting my campaign.
Paid for by Jerry Lewis for Senate

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